Päivitetty 24.8.2021 | 18:03

Vaasan yliopiston kansainvälinen asiantuntijaryhmä (Scientific Board): näkemyksiä monitieteisestä ilmiöpohjaisesta tutkimuksesta

Ma 15.4.2019 | 14:30 - 16:30

The rector of the University of Vaasa warmly welcomes you to join a public seminar where we have the opportunity to hear the University’s Scientific Board members’ views about topical, strategic issues that have clear connections to our university’s role and ambitions. All our key note speakers are widely recognized and respected in their field of expertise, and can through the knowledge add to our common understanding about how the university can and should develop its role on all layers of impact. We also have to pleasure to welcome Mr. Anthony Boccanfuso, President of UIDP, a project-oriented organization where members identify issues impacting university-industry relations and opportunities to develop new approaches to working together.



14.30-14.40                                    Rector Jari Kuusisto                      Welcome

14.40–15.10                                   Professor Tomas Kåberger          Energy Transition – what does it mean for Finland / Vaasa

15.10-15.40                                    Professor Christoph Böhringer   The Change in Energy Economics – the EU perspective

15.40-16.10                                    Anthony Boccanfuso                     University-industry collaborations – how to find better ways to partner?
16.10-16.30                                    Rector and speakers                     Summary of topics, questions and discussion


The venue will be held on Monday April 15 at auditorium Wolff from 14.30 to 16.30.