Tule mukaan kehittämään Vaasan yliopiston ulkoista verkkosivustoa – vastaa kyselyyn 31.1. mennessä:
Renewable Efficient Energy IV Conference (REE IV) is an excellent forum to meet experts in the international field of renewable energy, distributed energy production and energy technology. The presentations will be held in English. REE IV is arranged within the third international Vaasa EnergyWeek that will bring together more than 2,000 energy professionals and decision-makers to Vaasa 17-20 March 2013. Official pages can be found from www.energyweek.fi.
In the region of Ostrobothnia there are plans to erect wind farms with power of thousands of megawatts. Many of the projects are currently in the stage where the grid connection is being planned in detail. The main topic of the seminar day is wind power grid connection and the theme will be approached from many angles during the conference day.
The seminar deals with the Finnish grid requirements and compares different technical solutions from a grid perspective. The seminar will provide plenty of interesting know-how for companies in the field of wind power development, for grid owners and for companies providing technological solutions for the grid connection of wind power.
Mr Jouko Putkonen from Oy Merinova Ab is the chairman of the seminar, and the presentations will be given by representatives of Vaasa energy cluster, including among others ABB, VEO and Wärtsilä, and of national players such as Fingrid and Empower.
Complete programme
In the second day of the conference the current topics related to the renewable energy sources and Smart Grids are discussed.
Globally there has been increasing aspirations to see more widespread use of renewable energy sources (RES). The physical prerequisites for producing all energy by RES exist, and this would bring huge regional economic and employment impacts. Already today 100% RES self-sufficient areas have been implemented and planned, but there are still barriers preventing progress and slowing the process.
Future power systems employ wide variety of modern information, communication and automation technology in order to meet the customers demand for high quality power supply applying various RES. There exists also demand for more efficient use of electric energy and better utilisation of the open energy markets. In this session different technological challenges and solutions related to Smart Grids are discussed.
Complete programme
The presentations will be held in English.
REE IV Conference is arranged by Vaasa Energy Institute (www.vei.fi). Participation fee (early registration until 10 March) for one conference day is 139 € (+VAT), and for both conference days 199 € (+VAT). The price includes lunch and coffee/tea. The price does NOT include the evening programme on Tuesday.
Participation fee after 10 March for one conference day is 179 € (+VAT), and for both conference days 239 € (+VAT). The price includes lunch and coffee / tea. The price does NOT include the evening programme on Tuesday.
For the personnel and students of the University of Vaasa, see the prices from the portal.
Registration is now open! You can register and find more information about REE IV from www.energyweek.fi.