Päivitetty 24.8.2021 | 18:08

2nd Workshop on Energy and Sustainable Development

Ke 19.2.2020 | 14:00 - 16:00

Klo 14.00-16.00, Vaasan yliopisto, Fabriikki F326.

During the workshop, students from the Vaasan lukio and Laihia lukio will present their visions about the “Vaasa Energy Cluster” within the next ten years. This event is organized by University of Vaasa School of Technology and Innovations and Research platform VEBIC as part of the Energy and Sustainable Development University course.

Lisätietoa: Emmanuel Ndzibah, tutkijatohtori, tuotantotalous, Vaasan yliopisto, Emmanuel.Ndzibah@uwasa.fi
ja Suvi Karirinne, johtaja, VEBIC-tutkimusalusta, 029 449 8284