Reading and exam preparation

Reading literature is a key part of university studies. Scientific books and articles are the language of each discipline, the adoption of which is part of the learning process.

The amount of text to be learned is often large, so it is important to be able to separate the main points and the most relevant information from the texts and to summarise what you have read.

Managing different reading styles, glancing, thorough reading and repetition, promotes the adoption of texts. Reading is practiced as studies progress and e.g. previous knowledge of the topic affects the internalisation of the subject being studied.

The exam is an important situation for every student, in which the level of knowledge in the subject area is demonstrated. Part of the skill of taking exams is the ability to withstand the tension. Tension at the right point increases the ability to concentrate and helps to achieve better results.

Careful exam preparation reduces exam tension. Especially when attending an exam for the first time, the tension can also be increased by the tension caused by acting in the exam situation itself. On the Completion and Assessment of Studies page, under General examinations, you will find the University of Vaasa's Exam instructions.

All students have their own way of acting in an exam situation. One quite good way is to start the exam by reading the question paper carefully and start writing with the easiest question. It is a good idea to start by listing the most relevant issues on the subject of the question and write the answer around these core issues. It is important that you answer the question and do not stray from the subject or inflate the text too much, as quantity rarely replaces quality.

Here is one tip for effective reading:

  • allow sufficient time
  • concentrate on reading only
  • read in a target-oriented manner: think about what you want from the book
  • always glance and preview the book first
  • read the table of contents
  • leaf through the book cover to cover, “suck in” the titles
  • read the book "diving", refining, for example, the points you consider important
  • read completely what felt foreign/interesting or what was emphasised in lectures
  • take notes on paper.