Johan Knif, Seppo Pynnönen, and Martti Luoma (1995). Common autocorrelation features of index returns from two Scandinavian stock markets. In Proceedings of the 17th meeting of the Western Decision Sciences, San Francisco April 1995.

This paper empirically investigates, in the spirit of [1] and [3], the long run persistence of a common serial correlation feature in the index return series of two closely related Scandinavian equity markets; the Finnish and the Swedish stock markets. The time period covered starts in January 1920 and ends in December 1993 and consists of monthly index quotations and is analyzed as a complete series as well as split in four structurally different periods. Both of the return series seem to have an autocorrelation component present both before and after the second world war and this feature is more pronounced in the Helsinki return series. The strongest common autocorrelation feature is found in the period after the oil-crises. Nevertheless, the feature does not seem to be common over all the sub-periods considered. The common codependence in the last sub-period can be interpreted as a sign of increasing integration between the markets.


[ 1] Engle, R.F., and Kozicki, S. (1993). Testing for common features. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 11, No. 4, 369-380.

[ 2] Engle, R.F and C.W.J. Granger (1987): Co-integration and Error Correction; Representation, Estimation and Testing, Econometrica, Vol. 55, No. 2, 251-276.

[ 3] Engle, R.F, and Susmel, R. (1993). Common Volatility in International Equity Markets. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics , 11, No. 2, 167-176.

[ 4] Frennberg, P. and B. Hansson (1992): Computation of a Monthly Index for Swedish Stock Returns 1919-1989, Scandinavian Economic History Review, Vol. XL, No. 1, 3-27.

[ 5] Frennberg, P. and B. Hansson (1993): Testing the Random Walk Hypothesis on Swedish Stock Prices 1919-1990 Journal of Banking and Finance Vol. 17, No. 1, 175-191.

[ 6] Frennberg, P. and B. Hansson (1993b): Stock Returns and Inflation in Sweden, Paper presented at the 20th Annual Conference of the European Finance Association in Copenhagen, August 1993.

[ 7] Hjerppe, R. (1988): Suomen Talous 1860-1985 Kasvu ja Rakennemuutos. Suomen Pankin julkaisuja, Kasvututkimuksia XIII, Suomen Pankki.

[ 8] Knif, J, Pynnönen, S., and Luoma M. (1995). Testing for common autocorrelation features between two Scandinavian stock markets. (In preparation.)

[ 9] Vahid, F., and Engle, R.F. (1993). Common Trends and Common Cycles. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 8, 341-360.